The joint NSC/BYC Single-Handed Keelboat Race runs this Sunday, August 27 2023, with the warning at 1400, per Part H and Annex A of the Sailing Instructions.

The course is set in the vicinity of the Olympic Circle, using the yellow race marks, as displayed on the NSC Race Committee boat. Check-in/Registration is on-the-water at the RC boat. Boats from all Lac Deschênes clubs are welcome. All boats start together and are handicapped using their non-flying sails (JAM) handicap, but here’s the twist — spinnakers are allowed for those who dare!

Up for grabs is the Whippet Cup for the overall winner on corrected time, and first three boats across the finish line get their names engraved on the Ottobahn Trophy. Keepers for the top 3 boats on corrected time.

Since 2017, NSC and BYC have combined their single-handed races into this event. (BYC offers separate awards for BYC boats.) NSC is pleased to host this event.

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