NSC & BYC will host the 2023 Bring on the Bay Charity Swim on Saturday, July 15th @8am. We need your help! We anticipate 600+ swimmers plus lots of volunteers and spectators including two Ottawa Fire Rescue boats, 40+ kayaks, SUPs, canoes and 6 crash boats with 36 plus anchored boats/safety islands, one every 100m, along the 3000m and 1500m routes across the Ottawa River and into BYC.

Bring on the Bay open water swim poster

This year, again, the 1500m course will start at “Surfers Beach,” a part of Britannia Beach Park. Those swimmers will start @8:45am, swimming northwest to join the 3000m course turning to finish at BYC with all the others.

Map of swim route

The efforts start about 7:00 AM at NSC and you will be finished by 10:30 AM, so it’s an early but not all-day commitment!

If you you’re interested (and haven’t already contacted me), I’d appreciate your help in staging this event.

We need:

  • Anchored boats, one every 100m along the swim lines – Please email: Parke Davis
  • Kayakers, SUPs & others to shadow the swimmers – Please email this address
  • Volunteers for crash boats – Please email Ian Joyce
  • NSC Dock Control  Contact – Please email Gail White
  • NSC Parking & traffic control  – Please email Don Gribble
  • Crowd and swimmer info and organizers

For further info, see the Bring on the Bay Swim website.

See also some fun YouTube drone video of BOTB 2018, showing 800 swimmers beginning the swim from the NSC west dinghy dock.

Submitted by Parke Davis

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