To all members of NSC:  As you may know, I have been on the board again this year as the past-commodore.

It is a pleasure for me to once again sit with friends and help guide this wonderful club.

One of the jobs of the past commodore is ensure that we have a full slate of candidates for the fall election of club officers. What you may not know is how I first embarked on a wonderful journey serving the members of NSC. I received call one late fall evening from Ned Toole, then the past commodore. We had recently met building docks for in those days we hand built most of the new docks. He asked if I would take on the job of rear-commodore and harbour master. After some thought, I said yes. It was without a doubt an excellent decision, one which would lead me to make all kinds of wonderful friends, take on new challenges, win a few and lose a few battles, and contribute with pride to the success of NSC over the years.

We currently have candidates for all board positions with the exception of board secretary. Please think about putting your name forward. I am confident that you will find the experience a personally rewarding as I did. I would be happy to discuss the details of the job if you like. You may call at 613-435-0604 or email Tom.winlow at gmail dot com.

Thanks for your consideration.

Tom Winlow,
Past Commodore

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