The Winter Speaker Series is on again as live presentations in Harbourview Hall. We are looking for speakers to share stories, experiences and expertise, on Wednesday evenings between January and early April.

We also need volunteers to help out as recording camera operators and audio/video directors. Now is the time to get involved! Email Marc Rand if you’d like to share your stories or take on a new technical ‘career’ this winter. Read on for requirements.

Since 2008, a dedicated group of volunteers has organized and hosted a 12-week series of talks under the banner “Winter Speaker Series.” Each year about this time, we search for stories of interest to you who boat here in the region. This is an earnest call to everyone to tell us if you’ve had experiences that would interest your fellow members and others in the region with a love of boating. Or do you have a request for a topic and even a speaker to recommend? Let us know by email.

If you’re interested in volunteering on the technical end of things, experience would be helpful in operating software and troubleshooting malfunctions, but we also train on-the-job. Depending on the number of volunteers we have, you might help with one or two Wednesday evenings a month, from 6-9:30 p.m.

Check out last year’s talks on NSC-TV on YouTube.

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