NSC’s annual Turkey Trot pursuit race is one of the highlights of our sailing calendar — as always, it runs on Thanksgiving Monday. The format is unchanged from previous years, but the list of boats and their associated start times and handicaps have been updated. Check this list to make sure your boat is on it.

Our PHRF handicappers have spent considerable time ensuring this list is accurate, but we need your input to ensure it is complete. Individual boats are no longer listed; instead, boats of a particular class and configuration (spinnaker or no spinnaker) start at the same time. Boats get the average handicap of all boats in PHRF-LO of that class, except for one-design boats which get their ODR handicap.

If your class of boat is not listed, please send an email to the club Handicapper.

More details about Turkey Trot, and the associated social activities, will be announced in the Telltale and at nsc.ca.

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