Seven boats participated in the second annual Pinhey’s Point Sunset Time Trial, that started at 1830 last Friday evening. The wind gods blessed us with winds out of the NNE at 10-20 knots, which made for a quick, if not overly tactical race.

The PPSTT is intended to be primarily a night race. Unlike last year, when the only two boats to persevere drifted to the finish just after 0200, most boats were about half way home this year before darkness settled in. The results were incredibly tight, with less than 3 minutes separating the boats from 2nd to 7th place, in a race where the corrected times were all about 2.5 hours. Standing out from the crowd were Martin & Kara Rutter and their two boys on J-80 “Free Radical”; they won by 1:37.

The only thing we missed out on was the sunset, due to the mostly overcast skies.

Details (i.e. Sailing Instructions) for the race are here.

Original post:
Interested in doing some racing after dark? Do you enjoy Midnight Madness, and want more of the same? Join us for the Pinhey’s Point Sunset Time Trial on Friday, August 27, with a start window from 1830 to 1835. Details here.

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