We need experienced volunteers as Race Officers and Markset leads, for weeknight races September 6-29. Normally, our race bosuns fill these roles. However, this year our staff have significant school and career commitments, and we wish them well. Therefore, we ask members to step up so we can run these races.

We have created slots on the Race Committee volunteer calendar for these specific needs.

  • Monday Womens racing September 12, 19, 26 – Race Officer leader, Markset leader
  • Tuesday PHRF racing September 6, 13, 20, 27 – Markset leader
  • Wednesday Dinghy racing September 7, 14, 21 – Race Officer leader, Markset leader
  • Thursday JAM racing September 8, 15, 22, 29 – Race Officer leader, Markset leader

The Race Officer runs the race from the signal boat. Experience as a Race Officer is required. The Markset lead runs the markset boat under the direction of the Race Officer by radio. Experienced NSC racers may be able to fulfill this role. Experience and competence operating medium-sized motorboats is required for both positions. A staff member will be able to give ROs and Markset leads a quick review of boat features and operation, but operational training will generally not be available.

We intend to have staff on hand to assign equipment and motor vessels at the start of each evening.

If willing and able to take on any of these roles, please sign-up, or reach out to either the Fleet Captain, or the RC Volunteer Coordinator. If you are already signed up for RC or Markset duty and would be willing to switch to one of these “lead” roles, please email the RC Volunteer Coordinator.

Dominic Goodwill, Fleet Captain.

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