NSC has been experiencing problems with the delivery of certain email messages to and from NSC accounts; some messages have been delayed, whereas as others were not delivered. A fix has been implemented and we believe all is working normally now, however, some messages sent from May 31 to June 6 may not have been delivered.

The problem seems to have been primarily related to various forms used to generate automatic messages, as well as certain scheduled email messages. Forms impacted included: Proof of Insurance, Membership Application, Classifieds, Scoring Inquiry, Finish Times, Crew Bank, and others. Further, email confirmations and reminders for our RC Volunteer System were impacted.

Many of the aforementioned forms generate an email message to both the party that needs to address it, and to the submitter of the form. In some instances, the message cc’d to the submitter went through, however, the party to whom the message was addressed did not receive it. Thus, if you submitted any of the above forms recently and have not received a response, then please either re-submit the form, or email the appropriate party, e.g. Admin (for POI or Membership Application), Scoring Inquiries or Crew Bank.

Our RC Volunteer System appears to have been working throughout, however, the normal reminders that are sent out 15, 5 and 1 day(s) before your duty likely were not received.

If any further anomalous behaviour is observed, please email Webmaster.

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