Join us on and off the water and Parrrrrrty like a Pirate! The annual Commodore’s Sail Past marks the official start of the sailing season, and celebrates being together as a community. We thank our many volunteers at lunch, we present the anniversary Burgees to long-time members, then we sail, motor or paddle past the Commodore, and finally we party.

A large turnout is anticipated for 2022. Let’s get together to celebrate our community and being together. All NSC members and guests welcome.

The day’s events

  • 11:30am – 1:30pm Volunteer Lunch and Anniversary Burgee presentation – Harbourview Hall
    If you have volunteered your time to the benefit of the club community, join us for a complimentary light lunch hosted by your Membership Director, where we can thank you in person.
    If you are receiving an anniversary burgee, please also join us. Anniversary burgees are flags bearing the NSC logo, for long-time members at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years.
  • 1pm Need a boat ride / Got space on your boat?
    Check in at the Sailing Activities booth on West Lawn, or email We guarantee to get you on the water.
  • 2pm Leave the harbor for Sail Past
  • 2:30pm Sail Past
    The Commodore anchors out on the lake. Boats parade past the Commodore and salute by luffing their sails, waving a hand, dipping their burgee or firing a water pistol.
  • 3:30pm – 5:30pm Enjoy the amazing sounds of the Nepean Panharmonic Steel Band, back on shore
  • 9:00 pm Watch the movie Pirates of The Caribbean outdoors

How to sail past

Decorate yourself, your crew and your boat. Booty awarded to the most convincing pirate.

Sail and motor boats

  • Leave harbour by 2pm
  • Gather on the water at C mark
  • Gun sounds 2:30pm
  • Follow Fleet Captain J/80 Echo Beach and Sail Training 420’s
  • Sail or motor in line astern
  • Through starting line, round yellow buoy
  • Salute Commodore on red tugboat Solo Cup.

Kayak and paddleboard

  • Go directly to the Commodore’s boat
  • Salute immediately at 2:30pm, ahead of the parade
  • Move to the West side of the Commodore’s boat to safely watch the parade.

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