There is no change in the status of the strike that affects Crane Operators in Ontario.  Unfortunately, this will delay Commercial Launch originally planned for May 7 and subsequently impact the opening of the Trailer Launch areas and the Park.

Our primary objective is to get boats launched and we are in constant contact with our crane provider to discuss alternative dates.  Our Commercial Crane Launch lead – Randy Wiseman – will be in touch with volunteer crews and affected member owners to test possible timings – including weekday options.

As soon as we can confirm a solid date, we will give you as much notice as possible.

Should the strike drag on, we will make contingencies that minimize the impacts on NSC’s planned programs: stay tuned to this website.

For those members who already plan to launch on the NSC Cranes, there is no change.  In fact, if you’re able to speed up your launch plans, it may help us plan contingencies down the road.

I appreciate your patience and know how disruptive this is.

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