Michele Cimon, former NSC Sail Training Director and now Lead for NSC Adaptive Sailing, will recount the journey of how NSC came to host the Able Sail Program, from conception to current day.  Michele’s presentation will provide detail of our NSC facility, who we serve, what programs we offer, and how to get involved (not one NSC Able Sail participant leaves the dock without being assisted by at least one of our many dedicated volunteers).

We have come a long way since George Simpson originated the Able Sail Program at Nepean Sailing Club in 1996, when attempts were made to adapt a Tanzer 22 for use by persons with physical disabilities. Today NSC is recognized as a Paralympic Training Sailing Facility. Our dock space has grown and improved through the years, we have increased the number of dedicated Martin16 sailboats and participants; we have even helped other programs in Canada to grow. 

NSC has been a proud contributor to the success of many Mobility Cups, an international “regatta of possibility” where personal, social, geographic, technological and organizational barriers are challenged in the spirit of friendly competition. NSC hosted the last Mobility Cup before COVID in 2019. 

Most recently NSC was awarded a 2022 grant, from Women in Sport (WISE), and we will be launching a new program focused specifically on having more women participating in sport and adaptive sailing.  Come learn about the programs we offer and meet some of our sailors.

Michele Cimon has had a long career in high tech and when not attending to that or helping to manage and coordinate NSC’s Able Sail Program you can find her traveling the world racing J22 regattas or on the slopes and enjoying their home at Jay Peak, with hubby Johan.

The meeting is free to attend, but we ask that you consider making a small donation. All proceeds will go to the NSC Legacy Fund, which supports competitive sailing for youth and Able Sail members.

Please register here.

After registration, you will receive an email with a link to attend the Zoom meeting.

The meeting starts at 7.30 pm, but we recommend that you check in to the “waiting room” up to 15 minutes early to check your connection for good quality video and sound. We will be playing content that will enable you to test.

During the webinar, you can use the Q&A button to ask questions at any time. The moderator will relay any questions to the presenter at the end of the presentation.

You can find the full Winter Speaker schedule here.


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