The winter speaker series continues online on Zoom: Sailing Uphill?!  If you are intrigued by this week’s title, please read on…

Paul’s story:

In May 1989 I left Cape Coral, Florida aboard my Brewer 43, The Happy Prince, accompanied by 3 friends, destination Europe. About 4 months later, still afloat on the Happy Prince, I was almost 1000′ above sea level. Then 10 weeks later the Happy Prince crossed France, South to North-West in 3 days flat. I’ll tell the story of how I did it with a few slides (not too many).

Paul is an Australian who learnt to sail by reading “Teach Yourself Sailing” on the banks of the Seine in Paris (really). After many adventures chartering in Europe, Canada, and US, he bought his first dinghy just before NSC came online in 1979. Progressed up through Echo, Hobie 16, Tornado and then down to Hobie Bravo while still keel-boat chartering whenever he could. Took advantage of a compulsory break in his high tech career to spend 8 months sailing across the pond and exploring Europe from the water. Survived intact to tell the story.

Paul is a member of the Nepean Sailing Club.

Paul’s presentation is part of the NSC Winter Speaker’s program, which promotes ongoing learning about all things nautical, as well as cruising and competitive sailing. Our contributors and organizers are all volunteers, and they and our audience come from clubs and organizations bordering both sides of the Ottawa River.

The meeting is free to attend, but we ask that you consider making a small donation. All proceeds will go to the NSC Legacy Fund, which supports competitive sailing for youth and Able Sail members.

Please register here.

After registration, you will receive an email with a link to attend the Zoom meeting.

The meeting starts at 7.30 pm, but we recommend that you check in to the “waiting room” up to 15 minutes early to check your connection for good quality video and sound. We will be playing content that will enable you to test.

During the webinar, you can use the Q&A button to ask questions at any time. The moderator will relay any questions to the presenter at the end of the presentation.

You can find the full Winter Speaker schedule here.

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