Sunday May 2nd: Option to use mobile crane

The new masting crane is not here yet so we’re looking at again bringing in a mobile crane or boom truck on Sunday May 2nd for masting boats with those really big masts.  So, if you might be interested in using a mobile crane to mast your boat, here is the plan.

This would be a time charge service and we will work to keep it reasonable.  Like previous years, it will be done Sunday morning after launch and will be a team effort with boat owners helping boat owners.  Like last year, there will be a tentative schedule and masting order.  And like last year, if you aren’t ready to go, we will take the next boat that’s ready and you go to the end of the line.  This should keep things moving quickly – and cheaply.

If you are interested, please contact me via email or leave me a message at the office.

Randy Wiseman, Launch Coordinator

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