Almost 80 members and guests heard a great presentation by Michael Washer on Jan 19, and we raised over $400 for the Legacy Fund.  Next week Tony Wright will talk about his family’s experience flotilla sailing in the Mediterranean, with photos from their trips along the Croatian and Turkish coasts.

Tony will explain what keeps drawing them back to flotilla holidays, and why they enjoy it so much. He will also explain what to look for before you go, and what to expect when you get there.

NSC member Tony and his wife Margaret continue to learn from their flotilla and bare-boat chartering experiences.  It started in 1980 with a small 22 ft sailboat in Germany. Since then, they have had adventures in Greece, Croatia, Turkey, Florida, the BVI’s and Thailand.

This year we are using Eventbrite to publish the online link. This is in response to requests to make it possible to make a donation, as has been the tradition for as long as these talks have been held.

The meeting is free to attend, but we ask that you consider making a small donation. All proceeds will go to the NSC Legacy Fund, which supports competitive sailing for youth and Able Sail members.  When you click on the link you will be able to register for the talk for free. You will also see a second option to make a donation. Please register first, and then make a donation if you wish.

Please register here.

After registration, you will receive an email with a link to attend the Zoom meeting.

The meeting starts at 7.30 pm, but we recommend that you check in to the “waiting room” up to 15 minutes early to check your connection for good quality video and sound. We will be playing content that will enable you to test.

During the webinar, you can use the Q&A button to ask questions at any time. The moderator will relay any questions to the presenter at the end of the presentation.


You can find the full Winter Speaker schedule here.

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