The NOD (Nepean One Design) regatta 14+15 August had an almost record 99 boats racing on 3 race courses on Lac Deschenes, with 190 competitors. There were 38 youth boats on the down-river course in Lasers and Optimists, and 61 boats (J/22, J/80, Tanzer 22, Viper 640, 2.4mR, 505 and Albacore) on the middle and upper courses.

Check out the full results.

The most beautiful sight of the weekend was two strings of Opti’s towing down from CVGR (Aylmer), framed by the Quebec shoreline and Gatineau park skyline.

We were very pleased to welcome 17 boats from outside Ottawa-Gatineau. The furthest traveller was Viper “Surf”, travelling 2100km from Winnipeg – you get a free entry to next year’s event.

Pelee Island Winery kindly provided cases of wine for prizes, to supplement the keeper mugs, plaques and medals.

This is the largest event that the club has run in the current circumstances. We found solutions to all the usual gathering points. For example: competitors meeting was a webinar, regatta dinner was an elegant boxed meal from the NSC Galley, Britannia and CVGR boats sailed from their home clubs, meet-and-greet was outside under canvas, the down-river course race committee sailed out of Britannia. This made things 3x more complicated for staff and volunteers ….. but we did keep our distance.

We used most of our wind budget on day 1. Above 15 knots sustained on the upper course, and peak gust 35 knots reported by the signal boat on the youth race course. Course setting was a challenge at times, but the top-notch race committee rose to the occasion. In the dinghy fleets, capsizes were the order of the day. Tanzers had a couple of (rescued) man overboards, and there were multiple knock-downs in the Viper fleet and J/80 fleet. Top speed reported was 17.2 knots by Viper Wadjet. I applaud you all for demonstrating high levels of sailing skill, including some keelboat fleets that achieved 5 races on day 1. Congratulations particularly to the Optis for handling 2 races in those conditions.

Day 2 was light air. Well done to the race officials for running 3 races in all classes. Must say I had early-morning doubts that any racing was possible, but we did indeed have 3 fair races. Albacores completed their last leg in a drifter that looked like hard work, but they got it done. Thus, we achieved a well-balanced 2 day event.

Perhaps next year we will clarify to the wind gods that we meant BETWEEN 5 and 25 knots, not below 5 and above 25.

NOD 2021 was the J/22 Ontario Championship, won by renowned NSC boat J Crue skippered by John Rae. The J Crue crew scored a definitive 3 bullets and 5 second places. Britannia YC’s Threes Company (Bill Fuller) followed them, with NSC’s Jean Levac close behind.

Thank-you to the 45 volunteers and numerous staff. Our race officers were Bill Visser (principal), Tom Shenstone and Lisa Shishis, leading a team of 40 on-water officials, coaches and support people. Greg Dargavel and his judges kept us aligned to the rules, thankfully with only 1 hearing needed. Jennifer Holliday kept score with excellent accuracy and speed. Ted Ceelen ensured that we had prizes ready.

Bill and Greg worked diligently to help yours truly set up the event – we had the notice of race drafted in January.

Staff contributions were key. We had 5 NSC sailing staff on the water – a record. Our facilities staff are quite familiar with NOD, and were well on top of moorings (including the Viper pit) and motor boat repairs. NOD was a new experience for most of our house staff and several of the sailing staff, as we had no such regatta last year. I thank them for their patience, as new requirements were loaded onto them.

My particular thanks to Scott Murphy, who handled more of the on-land operations than he signed up for.

Dominic Goodwill
NOD 2021 Chair
J/80 “Echo Beach” + Albacore “Skye”

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