It’s SURVEY TIME. So, for a long time we have heard many comments leading us to upgrade our content filled website into something that is more encompassing and engaging. Oh, but what to do? Ask 5 people and you’ll get 7 answers. On a Tuesday. 9 answers on a Wednesday etc..

At the risk of being flooded with responses (great problem to have) we have decided to survey all our members and a larger non-member group who use the website too. Please take the time to do this over the next little while to allow us to build something amazing going forward.  There is significant budget and resources set aside for this large worthwhile project. This will likely take 12-18 months for full roll-out, so if you don’t have your say, you can’t whine about it later :-)
You can click here for the survey or copy and paste this link into your browser.

Please consider sharing this with family and friends as we are just as keen to get input from non-NSC members using the website also.

Many thanks for your time and insight!

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