Complete this simple Google form to register for Midnight Madness on Friday, August 18, 2023. See this page for more info.

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Page updated: 2022-07-27.

********************** NOTE: This page must be edited as “the Boss”. **********************
Update log:

2021-08-03, DS: Page created.
2021-08-03, HM: Editorial changes. Added update log, page updated, and note below.
2021-08-04, HM: For links to view/edit Google spreadsheet and form, see email 2021-08-03 11:11 PM from Webmaster.
2022-07-26, HM: Changed date for 2022 event.
2022-07-27, HM: Added note that page must be updated by “the Boss”.

NOTE: Update the publish date and time when updating page.

Page maintained by Fleet Captain