The 2020 AGM was held over Zoom on December 16, with 106 participants, without any major technical issues. Below is the original notice, along with the links to the AGM docs.

The message below was emailed to all members on December 4th. Per an earlier post, the AGM was postponed to December 16th from its originally scheduled date.


Notice of Nepean Sailing Club Annual General Meeting – 2020


Dear NSC Member(s),

Nepean Sailing Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 19:00.

As could be expected, this year’s meeting will be virtual. It will be held using the Zoom webinar platform. After registering for the meeting, you will be provided with a link that will allow you to join the meeting from your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone.


Registering for the Meeting

Please click the following link as soon as possible to register ahead of time for the AGM:


Voting Process

Voting will be done using the video “raise hand” functionality built into Zoom. For those attending the meeting by telephone with audio-only, you will be able to “raise” your hand by keying *9.


Meeting Documents

Meeting documents are available through this link (you will need to use your member login for NSC’s website):

This link brings you to the NSC website under “Board Documents” in the “Final Documents for NSC General & Special Meetings” folder.

The following documents are provided, and some will involve a vote at the meeting:

  1. This Notice of the Annual General Meeting
  2. Agenda for the meeting (we vote to approve this)
  3. Minutes of last year’s Annual General Meeting (we vote to approve these)
  4. Audited Financial Statements for fiscal year 2019 (we vote to approve these)
  5. Motion for the appointment of auditors (we vote to approve this)
  6. Nominating Committee Report, 2020 (there will not be a need for a vote)
  7. Procedure for Proxy Voting
  8. Proxy Voting Form

The 2020 Annual Report by Directors will be provided separately, before the meeting.



You will be able to submit questions during the Member Question Period agenda item using the Q&A functionality in Zoom. Those attending by audio-only will not be able to submit questions.

You may also submit questions in advance to me, the Board Secretary, at before the close of business on December 14, 2020.

We hope that you will attend. It is an important opportunity to engage with your Board during this unusual year, and present your questions and comments.

On behalf of the Board I hope to see you all there (virtually),


Phil Carr
Board Secretary, Nepean Sailing Club

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