Tuesday and Thursday Fall Series will begin August 25 and you must register for this racing by August 16, even if you have previously registered for racing; all previous registrations are invalid for Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are offering round-the-buoys racing with conventional starts under the Racing Rules of Sailing. Tuesday options include JAM and PHRF (with spinnakers); Thursday is JAM only.

Create a New registration – don’t modify your existing reservation! (our server doesn’t handle that properly). One registration per boat — you don’t need to register your crew.

Due to the COVID regulations, we have had to change our race offerings. And we have headcount limits. Therefore, we need to get fresh registrations. We can’t just transfer your previous registration because a boat that registered for the previously offered events might not show up, and that could prevent others from participating, due to the headcount limits.

This announcement does not affect Monday evening, Wednesday evening, long distance, RUST, summer Tuesday pursuits, and the summer Thursday time trials or special events. Any registrations already done for those events (where applicable) are still valid.

Boats are not required to do RC Duty in 2020. We are manning the NSC race committee using staff and a few hand-picked members.

For more info, see the NOR, but the important detail is if you want to race on Tuesdays and Thursdays after August 25th, you must re-register by August 16th. Use the NSC online portal.

[Change record:
8 August – posted to NSC home page
14 August – pushed back to top of home page.]

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