Reminder and updates to the RC Volunteering policy.

The racing season is nearing, and with that comes Race Committee volunteering! It’s time to  go to and choose your dates for 2010. A companion Procedure for RC Duties is available.

Every boat owner is responsible for providing three volunteers and each dinghy skipper is responsible for providing two volunteers. If your boat is registered in more than one fleet you must register twice.   Remember, you don’t need to have any race committee experience, the race bosuns will direct your work.

You, our community of racers, have made this happen, and my appeal today is to help us do it again!  Last year alone, we had close to 275 volunteer commitments.   With your amazing contribution, we can keep racing happening, and keep fees reasonable.

I see that many dates are already booked – thank you!   But we still have some slots open in May – please sign up as soon as possible to ensure no disruption in racing.

This year, Chuck Lanning, our RC Volunteer coordinator, has led updates to the policy.  We now track who has and has not volunteered,  so if you don’t sign up and we are in need of volunteers, we have given Chuck the authority to assign volunteers from a reserve list.   This is only a last resort, and you would be notified in advance, but the race committee system is so important to our club that we needed to implement this policy.

That said, we have such a super resource of volunteers, I hope we won’t need to use this leverage at all.  The easiest thing is to book your RC volunteer dates today!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at or our RC Volunteer coordinator, Chuck Lanning, at RC Volunteers Coordinator.


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