On Friday, 16 July, the Ontario provincial COVID measures will change to Step 3. The latest provincial regulation is here. A summary of each step is here. For NSC this means that in addition to the easing of restrictions in Step 2, the clubhouse can open to members with some restrictions which are listed below the “more” button. Properly fitted masks are still required when indoors.

Highlights of changes in the Ontario Regulations for Step 3 to take effect on 16 July include:

  1. Indoor access to the clubhouse is permitted but restricted to 50% capacity based on the Fire Code capacity rating of the specific area of the clubhouse. Properly fitted masks are required to be worn when inside the clubhouse (unless seated for food and/or drink).
  2. Outdoor capacity is limited to 75% of the maximum capacity and allowing for 2m distancing between tables and/or household groups.
  3. For events or meetings (ie. Committee meetings) these can be held indoors but are restricted to the number of people that correspond to 50% of the rated capacity of any given room of the clubhouse. Screening and recording of the attendees is required for contact tracing purposes and the data must be held for 30 days after which it will be deleted.
  4. The capacity limit for all activities that are part of ongoing operations (as opposed to events) are based on how many people can be accommodated while maintaining the 2m physical distancing requirements.
  5. There are specific regulations pertaining to Day Camps (thus Sail Training activities) which can be found here.

Please refer to NSC’s COVID-19 Policies documents (Code of Conduct, Plan and Procedures document, and related material), which have been moved to the right-side menu under “Resources.”

Update log
09 Oct: DN: Last update before this update log was created.
12 Nov: HM: Added this update log. Removed “In keeping with further restrictions announced 9 October by the Provincial government, indoor dining services have been suspended as of Saturday, 10 October 2020”. (Galley was open at that time.)
19 Nov: DN: Undocumented changes.
20 Nov: HM: Added statement “The NSC Galley is closed until further notice”. Moved more tag. Changed published date.
24 Jan: HM: Editorial (changed future to past tense, added spaces, deleted duplication.)
08 Feb: HM: Moved information from this post to a page, and updated this post to point to that page. Moved everything under displaynone.
16 Feb: DN/HM: Significant re-write of post.
29 Mar: HM: Expired post. No longer in orange zone.
01 Apr: DN: Updated for new Lockdown. HM: Unexpired post.
16-19 Apr: DN: Multiple updates for Stay at home order.
19 Apr: HM: Consolidation of wording per email with DN.

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