Monday October 14 is our annual Feast, to give thanks for the wonderful community of NSC and a great 2019 sailing season. We need volunteers to cook turkeys and other foods at home, and to help lay out the food. Sailors sail in the Turkey Trot pursuit race.

We give most of the kitchen staff the day off, and we celebrate the day together.

Please go to the public Google doc and add your name as a volunteer cook/server and/or bringer-of-food. Some light cooking / food warming in the club kitchen is also needed.

We need people to pre-cook turkeys, hams, veggies etc. There’s a list on the Google doc. For those bringing food, the club can fully reimburse your purchase costs.

Approximate order of events:
10:00 Turkey Trot sailors meeting at NSC clubhouse
10:30 Feast volunteers arrive at NSC clubhouse
11:00 First gun for Turkey Trot – slowest boat starts at 11:05
12:00 Bar opens
12:30 to 1:00 First sailors arrive back and the Feast begins
After all boats are back: Announcement of winning boats, prize draw for participating boats.

For the Turkey Trot pursuit race itself – watch for an upcoming announcement with sailing instructions.

Any questions, contact the Fleet Captain.

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