Each year, as part of normal rotation, a number of Club Directors will complete their terms  on the Board.  It is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to propose a slate of new Directors to the Membership for consideration at the Annual General Meeting.

The Nominating Committee welcomes recommendations for potential Directors from the membership. All recommendations will be considered and reviewed by the Nominating Committee. You might even consider putting your own name name forward.

Directors make an important and significant contribution to Club life.  We seek Members for these roles who will act in the best interests of the Membership as a whole and will willingly share their knowledge, expertise and experience on a voluntary basis.

To make a recommendation, simply email the NSC Past Commodore.  Recommendations will be accepted throughout the year, however, only recommendations received at least 28 days before the AGM will be eligible for consideration at the next AGM.

If you have any questions about the process or about being on the Board, please feel free to contact the NSC Past Commodore.

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