Two of the most entertaining NSC events go on the same weekend in mid-August: Midnight Madness evening of August 16, and Harbourmaster’s Race August 17. And wait, there’s more! More boating events in August, that is.

At Midnight Madness, keelboats race after dark. The race committee boat will be lit up like a Christmas tree. Corn roast from 7pm and skippers meeting at 9pm, both at the bar. We welcome skippers to look for pickup crew at the meeting. The contact person is David Morralee.

At the Harbourmaster’s race, big people race in tiny Open Bics around the harbour. Pumping, bumping and humping are definitely forbidden (if the judge spots it). You don’t need a boat – the club provides them. Sign-up on the deck by noon on the day, first race 1pm – all NSC members and guests aged 18+ welcome – and it’s free. “Advice” from spectators & family on the deck is particularly welcome. The contact person is Rick Nelson.

And August’s sailing fun doesn’t end here – watch for …
Baskins Beach Weekend – August 10
Stoney Point upriver race – August 11
Women’s upriver race – August 24
Queen’s Park upriver race #2 – August 25

[Of course, the other highly entertaining Fleet event is Turkey Trot on October 14. More on that later.]

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