Boats from CVGR may register for Interclub racing either through BYC or through NSC.

CVGR boats intending to race in any Interclub racing shall first pay CVGR for their PHRF certificate, and then coordinate with the CVGR Handicapper for the renewal, or issuance, of their PHRF handicap. Boats registering through NSC shall download and complete the generic Race Registration form (pdf or MS Word format), sign it, scan and e-mail it to Race Registration. This should be done by mid April. If you’re inclined to procrastinate, read this.

Race registrations received after the start of racing are processed as they are received. Plan on a 1-week turn-around time, assuming you already have a valid PHRF certificate.

CVGR boats are welcome, and encouraged, to participate in NSC’s volunteer Race Committee program though this is not a condition of registering to race. Sign up here for RC duty, if interested. It’s a great way to meet your fellow competitors.

Racers should note that the Sailing Instructions require them to race with the sail number with which they register. Using different numbers creates lots of problems for the RC and can only be accepted on a temporary basis.

A question that comes up regularly is “Can I just join in without registering?” The short answer is “no” — read why.

Page updated: 2019-07-11.

10 Jul: HM: Page created.