Two volunteers are urgently needed for the JAM Race on August 1st. If the roster is not filled, racing will be postponed for insufficient volunteers. Sign up here.

There are also quite a few empty slots in September on Thursday evenings, and for the Sunday afternoon Frostbite Series which runs September 29, October 6 & 13. Note that signing up for RC Duty for one day of Frostbite racing counts as two duties.

Those who race regularly and who have not met their RC Duty obligations as outlined on the RC Volunteer Procedures page risk being press-ganged into RC Duty. Or, if they have not met their obligations by the end of the season, they may not be allowed to register for racing next year until they have done so.

Early-season text:
Attention Racers: If you are registered to race this season, you are required to sign-up for Race Committee (RC) duties. To sign-up, go directly to the RC Volunteer Calendar, or see a full explanation on the RC Volunteer Procedures page.

We appreciate all those volunteers who signed up early for RC Duties in May and early June, but if racing was cancelled for the night(s) you signed up, due to the flooding, please sign up for other duties. Thursday evening slots, in particular Markset, are our most challenging slots to fill, so please consider those.

Over the course of the season, each keel boat skipper is responsible for providing three volunteers and each dinghy skipper must provide two volunteers. If your boat is actively racing on more than one evening, you have to provide twice as many volunteers.

No experience is required, and non-racers are most welcome to volunteer.

Please be sure to honour your commitment; there are penalties for no-shows, and racing may need to be postponed if insufficient volunteers show up for RC Duty.

If you have any questions, contact Glenna Gray, the RC Volunteer Coordinator.

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