Due to forecast flooding that is predicted by the Ottawa River Regulating Committee (ORRC) to be at, or above, the 2017 peak levels and the prevailing conditions in the harbour and yard, the Club Launch date has been postponed from 4 May to 11 May 2019.
This change will effect other scheduled activities, such as the harbour and dinghy park opening dates, crane scheduling, yard reconfiguration, trailer launch and cooperative masting timelines, amongst others. These changes are being considered and planned for in light of this decision and will be published to the membership once consolidated.
Members are asked to ensure that any articles that may be on the ground in the yard around their boats that can float away, be removed or secured over the next two days. The river is forecast to reach peak flood levels by Sunday, 28 April 2019. At that point, should this be the case, most of the yard will become inaccessible.