On Thursday, April 18th, the two dinghy docks were ripped from their anchors by the ice, and floated out into the river.

On the morning of April 19th, a small team of employees and volunteers were able to recover one of the dinghy docks from the Britannia Bay area. The West dinghy dock is now secured back in the harbour area.

Unfortunately, the East dinghy dock was initially found later that morning in the centre of the Deschenes rapids, about 1/3 of the way out from the embankment to the North of BYC. The dock appeared to be lodged in the rocks and was not moving, despite a very significant flow and force of water over it. The dock also appeared to be intact.  On Friday, 19 April, the dock successfully ran the rapids on its own, and ended up hanging out in a calmer area of the river downstream from Mud Lake.

Many thanks to all who were a part of the efforts over the weekend.

For more on this, see this post.

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