The 2018 Sailing Instructions & Race Calendar are available as a pdf. See below for a list of the major changes.

Notices to Competitors / Sailing Instruction Amendments:

  • Amendment #1, 2018-06-23: Sailing Instructions part A section 12.1 is deleted, and replaced with “12.1 Start marks on all courses will be pole marks with red or orange flags. Normal finish marks will be pole marks with red or orange flags.”

Main changes made to the SIs for 2018:

  • A new Viper 640 / J-80 fleet will be added to Thursday night; this fleet will start 5 minutes earlier. See Part A, 9.1 and Part E.
  • Clarification on Signals Ashore – see Part A, 7.1.
  • All protests must now be submitted by email – see Part A, 20.2.
  • Submission deadline for all protests is now midnight, the day following the race in question – see Part A, 20.3.
  • Clarification on time limits for Post Race Penalties – see Part A, 20.6.
  • RC Duty cancellations within 24 hours of duty now get an automatic 2 point penalty – see Part A, 21.10. There is no penalty if you find your own replacement.
  • Womens Fleet 1 (Non-coached boats) split in to 1A and 1B – see Part B.
  • Clarification on eligibility for Women’s racing, with Flying Sail (FS, aka “PHRF”) and Non-Flying Sail (NFS, aka “JAM”) handicaps – see Part B.
  • Minor changes to dinghy scoring – see Part D, 7.1 & 7.2.
  • As is customary, the start order of the Sharks and Tanzers switches; in 2018, the Tanzers start ahead of the Sharks. See Part E, 1.1.
  • For the Frostbite Series, the Dinghies, Cats & Skiffs will sail the course designated for JAM boats. see Part F, 2.
  • Definition of when Spring Series starts, if start is delayed due to BYC gates being in place. See Part G.
  • For Long Distance and Upriver races, results are due by midnight the day following the race in question. See Part H, 6.3.
  • Interclub Long Distance (ILD) Series: Mohr Island Race no longer part of ILD, but two new Queen’s Park Races added. See Part H.
  • Clarification on time for Skippers Meeting, course, and eligibility for Midnight Madness. See Annex A.
  • New Women’s Interclub Up-River Race added August 19. See Annex A.
  • A new Wednesday afternoon “RUST Cup Series” will be hosted by BYC. More info to follow: see
  • The calendar has been updated, though there is relatively little shuffling of events this year.

Page updated: 2020-06-03.

Update log
10 Mar: HM: page created from
03 Jun: HM: removed paragraphs at the bottom.