This March, come have fun tearing some things apart and get a free hot lunch!  The club is again seeking volunteers over a couple of weekends in March and early April. A volunteer signup page will be posted on the NSC website in the coming weeks, once the exact dates are decided.

This is a vital project for our club as it preserves the condition of our club’s most valuable asset – our dock network.  By doing a good portion of the project through volunteer effort, it reduces the costs borne by the club and its members significantly.  Early last spring, some 70 volunteer members chipped in their time over two weekends.  As a result, both E and D docks were successfully stripped and then re-decked by a contractor following the demolition work.

The exact dates for the this year’s effort will depend on the ice and snow conditions in the harbour.  The plan is to strip C and B docks, less the finger docks, and a portion of X dock (the main cross piece). As well, a small team of volunteers are being sought to re-deck F dock, which is currently sitting in the public launch ramp area to the West of the harbour.

Members who are interested in volunteering for this important project are encouraged to consider setting aside some weekend time next month.  As we get closer to the exact dates, additional details will be posted in the Telltale and on the NSC website.

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