Chef Rony is cooking up wings by the truck load!  Time to prove who can eat the most.  Proceeds from the Wing Eating Contest will go to support the Mobility Cup 2019 being hosted by NSC.  To be held at NSC March 9, 2019 starting at 1pm.  To register for this event please select Wing Eating Contest Registration.


Individual challenge

Each competitor will start with exactly twenty wings covered with sauce.  The contest will last exactly two (2) minutes.  Once the contest starts, the competitors will consume their allotted wings.  The winner will be determined by the total number of wings eaten the fastest. In the event of a tie between competitors, there will be a 60 second “run off” to determine the winner.

Registration fee $20*

Team Wing Eating Contest

Teams are made up of 3 competitors.   Each competitor will start with exactly 10 wings covered with sauce and one pint of beer.  Each team member will take turn and have to eat all 10 wings and drink the pint before next team member starts.  Team with best time wins.

Registration fee $40/ team

Hot wing challenge

Each competitor will start with exactly 10 wings covered with chef Rony’s suicide sauce.  Each competitor will get a glass of milk, if you drink the milk before you eat all your wings you are out.  The competitor that finishes his wings first or ate the most wings is the winner.

Registration fee $20

NSC Members – Use discount code for 15% discount found in Telltale

Prizes for the winners!

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