NSC Speakers Series – 2015 Season

February 11, 2015 – April 30, 2014


February 11th Eric Holden 2014 Sail Canada Rolex Sailor of the Year
February 18th Luc Grégoire Upwind Sailing Tactics
February 25th Capt. Pieter Brown Cruising South
March 4th Rob Frost Getting More Speed Out Of Your Sails
March 11th Paddy Boyd Sail Canada
March 18th Matthew Eglin Line Splicing Workshop
March 25th Antoine Rose Cruising the Azores
March 28th*** Jayne Finn & Mike Evan Sailing Newfoundland & Labrador
April 1st Robin Martel Navigating with Tablets & Smartphones
April 8th David Searle Seminar – Racing Rules 2013
April 15th Serge Besner Marine Weather – Where to Get it & How to Use it
April 29th Ken Gillstrom Sailing Away: Making Your Dream a Reality
May 6th Antoine Lacasse Ottawa Sailors Offshore Racing

*** Note session date not on Wednesday

Ken Aalders, Speaker Coordinator.

Page updated: 2019-01-29.

Update log
29 Jan: HM: Page created. Was previously a post. Editorial clean-up.