Volunteers do the scoring for all our races. There’s room for more help, so we have a training seminar at NSC on Saturday, March 30, from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Scorers don’t have to be regular racers, but some basic racing or race committee experience is helpful. The focus will be regatta scoring, not just evening races, so you will learn how to set up Sailwave files from scratch – hence the session will be useful even if you have done some scoring before.

If you have a laptop, please bring it to the seminar. If you’re really keen, download the latest version of Sailwave before coming. If you don’t have a laptop, come anyway.

The seminar will be hosted by Jennifer Holliday, our Chief Scorer. To register, email Jennifer.

There is no cost for this seminar, which is open to sailors from all Ottawa area clubs.

Note that scoring is considered an RC Duty; for NSC racers, scoring a series fulfills your boat’s RC duty obligation.

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