John Perry has been the quiet caretaker of the beautiful gardens at the Club for more than fifteen years. He has dedicated much time to the design and propagation of the annuals and perennials that you see on the way to the docks and around the memorial plinth. It has been a labour of love for him and much appreciated by the members of the NSC as they pass through the gates on the way to and from their boats.

As with all things. change is coming, as John has decided to step back from the management of the gardens and will pursue other things.

Because of this, NSC is seeking volunteers with an interest and experience in gardening to form a small group starting this season to take over from John. He willing to start you off and then you can build on John’s legacy. If you have an interest in being part of this group, please forward your name to me at by May 15th, 2018 along with a couple of lines about your “green thumb” or “green toe” experience and possible time commitment.

I will get back to you shortly thereafter.

John Connolly
Membership Director

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