Are you ready to register your boat in the Nepean One Design (NOD) 2019 Regatta? Registration is now open. This year marks the 21st edition of the NOD regatta, 14-16 June 2019.

The past chair and co-chairs, are pleased to announce a major sponsor for this year’s regatta, Jeremy Spilkin and Louis-Philippe Pidgeon, Real Estate Sales Representatives at Engel & Völkers Ottawa Central. You will see Engel & Völkers Ottawa Central logo on the NOD webpage and throughout the Nepean Sailing Club. We are also pleased to announce returning sponsors, CCI, Advantage Boating, Merivale Vision Care, Skippers’ Plan Insurance and “The Chandlery Ottawa and The Chandlery Online”. Without these sponsors, there would be no regatta. Check out their webpages provided on the sponsor’s page. NOD 2019 is once again registered as a clean regatta with Sailors of the Sea.

Please sign up in your One Design Class – the sooner the better. Also remember, all individual waivers need to be signed in person during the check-in phase. The registration/check-in volunteers will sign as witness to your signed waivers. See the Notice of Race for timings and location and the NOD website under “Event information – Event Schedule”.

This year, you will be able to order your T-shirts earlier. The bar will have sample sizes in the coming weeks; stay tuned for more information. Info on pricing (TBA) will be on the NOD website and at the bar. All orders will be created via the registration page.

The following volunteers are required:

  • Race Committee positions
  • Race Scorers
  • Registration/check-in

Stayed tuned for further NOD updates via the Telltale.

If you have any questions or wish to volunteer for the regatta, please contact the Chairs for NOD at

Co-Chair – Scott Murphy
Co-Chair – Vince Somoza
Past Chair – Mike Thompson

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