Time to get ready for the 2018 racing season — Registration is open, and volunteers are signing up for RC Duty. And if you’re someone who might be available to fill in for RC duty on short notice, we’d love to hear from you.

The Race Committee volunteer program that NSC introduced in 2008 has proven extremely successful, with great participation from our sailing community. But occasionally stuff happens, and despite best intentions, sometimes volunteers cancel on short notice*. This creates a significant burden on the RC Volunteer Coordinator to try to find a replacement. So we are looking for people who might be willing to be on a “call-out” list for RC Duty. If you’re willing/interested, please contact the undersigned with your name, e-mail address, mobile phone number, the night(s) you might be available, and if applicable, the boat & skipper for which your RC Duty should be credited. Also, please specify whether you would be willing/able to do markset, if required.

Volunteering for this “call-out” list will count as signing up for RC duty, and your boat will not be subject to being “press-ganged”. More importantly, you will be helping out your RC Volunteer Coordinator, and ensuring that your fellow members’ race doesn’t get postponed or cancelled. If you have already signed up for RC Duty, then we can remove you from that duty.

While it is the responsibility of those who race to ensure the RC Volunteer roster is fully covered, volunteers do not need to be racers, or even members of NSC. Anyone with an interest is welcome to participate — no experience required. For more information, see the RC Volunteer page, or sign up here.

* Note that boats that cancel RC Duty within 24 hours are subject to a 2 point penalty, per SI 21.10, and the RC Volunteer Coordinator should not be relied upon to find a replacement volunteer. Volunteers are always welcome to find their own replacements, and no penalty applies in that case.

Thank you for supporting racing at NSC!

Glenna Gray
Mirage 24 “Azura”
RC Volunteer Coordinator

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