On March 17 & 18 2018, the Nepean Sailing Club and Ontario Sailing will host the Sail Canada Level 1&2 Race Officer Course. Under the capable leadership of two top instructors (Ross Cameron and Bill Visser), you will learn the skills necessary to participate in the on-the-water management of regattas.

All welcome

This event is open to the public, and to members of all sailing clubs.

Event details

The first introductory portion (0.5 day) will brief attendees on the 5 basic roles found in a Race Committee. It will be of particular interest to newcomers to race management, as well as to racers who want to develop a basic understanding of how a Race Committee functions and communicates with competitors during races.

The next portion (1.5 day) will appeal to individuals who want to occupy a senior role in a regatta and plan to serve as Race Officer in events of increasing stakes and complexity. Of particular importance, leadership skills and course management will receive much attention. Group discussions and practical exercises will expose students to interesting situations routinely encountered on the water. A written exam will end this portion.

At the end of the course, participants will receive an Assistant Race Officer certification. As well, successful completion of this course is one of the prerequisites for applying for a Club Race Officer certification.

Registration and more info

Further details (including the registration form) can be found here on the Ontario Sailing website. NSC member Mario Poirier is coordinating this activity. The Level 1&2 Race Officer Course requires a minimum of 10 students for it to take place. Please register early to secure its occurrence at a Club well-known for its dynamic racing program, superb facilities and great hospitality.

The Nepean Sailing Club and the Ontario Sailing Race Management team are looking forward to seeing many of you in March.

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