Summer has officially past and I’m pleased to report that club sailing returned to its active NSC levels this summer after an unusually challenging spring and late June start for interclub racing.   I want to thank all our Fleet leaders, Chairs, club volunteers and staff for overcoming the various challenges, and creating the opportunities for us to jumpstart the 2017 sailing season. (Ready, Wait for it…, Go!)

Club racing (IceBreaker Series) started right after launch, our June regattas happened on schedule, and we kicked off our social summer sailing and upriver races with a blowout Sailpast and excellent turnout for the Pinhey’s Point race.  Despite not the best weather (but good winds!), the ranks of weeknight dinghy and keelboat racers grew, day sailors left harbour regularly, and hardy NSC cruisers found windows of opportunity to head upriver on weekends.

And while volunteer leads and chairs were busy delivering a full summer schedule, our club fleets and volunteer officials undertook various  initiatives to spur fleet development and NSC sailing overall.  As well as a good number of new NSC boats in the program, it’s been great to see so many new (and returning!) crew throughout all the fleets drawn from fellow members, Sail Training, the Crew Bank, GOOTW, and of course, family and friends.

Some summer highlights as we head into a most promising fall of club sailing.

Social Sails & Upriver Races:

  • Commodore’s Sailpast (June 10): Awesome weather, great social plan, floating transom party, what more could one ask for? This year’s members’ celebration of the upcoming sailing and boating season was a blowout success. Over 60 club boats on the water for Sailpast and a packed West lawn and front docks for the afternoon BBQ and party afterwards.
  • Weekday Sailing (Every Tuesday): The members’ Weekday Sailing group met again weekly this season so far, matching available boats and crew for social group sails and daily adventure. My appreciation to organisers and champions Dianne Westra and Tony Winterink.
  • NSC Pinheys Point (June 25), Mohr Isle Race (July 22/23), Stoney Point (Aug 13): Interest in the Upriver Race/Cruise format was strong again including some new NSC Aloha’s and C&Cs joining in the fun.   We even had a couple more boats for the Mohr Isle run.  Six different boats led each of the PHRF & JAM groups home.   Now if only the mid-day winds would follow plan!
  • Midnight Madness & Harbourmasters (Aug 18/19): Two of the more novel fun sailing events on the NSC calendar didn’t disappoint, and despite threats of poor weather, rewarded the eager and astute forecasters with some fun, bonus club sails. Read the full report.

Weeknight Racing:

  • Spring Series: The Spring Series was a short, but windy sweet half series for both keelboats (after BYC’s gates opened mid-June) and Dinghies and Cats.
  • Summer Series: 2017 may have been one of the soggiest, cool Ottawa summers on record with possible thunderstorms most race nights. But with astute weather and RC management by Wynn Davies and teams, NSC sailors gamely headed out for some great sailing! In the end a full summer schedule of races was put in the books outside the odd Monday and Wednesdays. Most of the race fleets were fully ramped up by the time we hit July, and the Dinghies and Cats certainly had a better summer than 2016.
  • RC Volunteer Program:   As in prior years, we’re almost filled to the end of the season except for a handful of the 240 duty slots this season.   Thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to enjoy an extra club night on the water, and our RC Volunteer Coordinator Fran Kelly who was active staying ahead of the scheduling curve.

NSC Regattas:

  • Ottawa Skiff & Cat GP (June 3/4): Within a week of Dinghy Park opening, the Skiffs and Cats held their 13th annual OSCGP interclub regatta. While club closures and delays were expected to impact attendance, cancelling was not an option! Local Cats from LDSC, CVGR and a good number of the RCYC I-14 fleet came for another classic OSCGP of 7 races over the two days.   Our thanks to Co-chairs Matt Davidge, Martin Kobetic, PRO Mario Poirier, and their teams.
  • NOD Regatta (June 17/18):   Canada’s largest open One Design regatta was back again hosting the Viper Great Lakes Championship and counters for the J/24s, Sharks and others.   12 fleets of 91 boats from a record 20 clubs joined in the racing and fun including the Able Sailors and 3 Youth fleets. A couple new exciting classes (J/22s. J/80s) made first NODs with a super turnout by BYC only 1 week after the gates came out! (Thanks Aaron M. & Nick K.). NOD2017 was also a Sailors for the Sea “Clean Regatta”.   My thanks to the Co-chairs Mike Thompson and Peter Norwood, PRO/CROs Rick Anderton, David Bruyea (HYC), Tom Shenstone, Anne Sanderson (PCYC) and the veteran volunteer team and staff who pulled-off another superb NOD for 2017.
  • National Capital Cup (July 9/10):   Able Sailors and their companions and coaches from the Ottawa and Montreal regions gathered for a joint training day and weekend competition in this year’s Gold and Silver fleets. Congrats to Chair Sarah Shima, CRO Jim Kelly, and the rest of the Able Sail program volunteers for putting on another great NCC regatta.

As well as a packed September of club sailing, don’t forget the October Frostbite Series for the racers and the members’ Turkey Trot and Feast on Thanksgiving Monday.

It’s time to get back out sailing and boating and enjoy the awesome ‘Indian Summer’ upon us!

Ross H. Ernst
Fleet Captain 2017

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