With a huge helping hand from our NSC volunteers and staff last season we started the process of re-organizing and tidying the yard.

For haul out 2015 only boasts on trailers were winter stored in the dinghy park which made for a more efficient unpacking of the yard in the spring. You may have noticed that the summer storage boats were consolidated into one area and we had a crack down on removing ineligible trailers for summer storage and as a a result we enjoyed more space for parking. And last fall we moved to a two lane system (rather then the traditional three lanes) which has allowed for more efficient winter storage this year in the rest of the yard. Space in the yard is always at a premium and is our biggest challenge!

We also now have a spiffy new permanent rack for tenders in the north west corner of the yard. The racks are reserved for members who do not wish to store their tenders in their slip or on their trailer. There is a small fee for year round storage and invoices will be sent at the beginning of June. If you wish to store your tender on the racks please notify the office.

This year Operation Yard Clean Up continues with a push to identify what I would politely call, ahem, forgotten items that have accumulated over many years, in particular along the periphery of the yard by the southern chain link fence and the eastern berm. We have put together a photo gallery and if you see anything that belongs to you please contact Gene Bruce our Marine and Property manager to make arrangements for prompt removal.

Any unclaimed items including unidentified tenders from last year will be auctioned on Saturday May 27, 2017 in conjunction with the Nautical Garage Sale with all proceeds going to the NSC Legacy Fund. More details on the auction to follow along with photos of the tenders to be auctioned (once they come out from under the snow).

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