Long time BYC member and well known Ottawa racer Kirk Robertson and his partner fulfilled a 20 year “promise” to themselves by sailing a stock Tanzer 26  (with outboard) to Halifax.

Kirk will describe the challenges faced during the trip, accompanied by numerous slides.

They were on the St. Lawrence for a month, dealing with 6 knot currents and commercial traffic including large freighters producing huge bow waves. Challenges also included large waves generated by strong winds blowing against the incoming tides.


Kirk sails under the Confederation Bridge linking PEI to the mainland

In the upper St Lawrence they were trapped for 7 days by high winds. Great care had to be taken where large rivers such as the Saguenay entered the St. Lawrence, generating strong turbulence & currents, especially during incoming tides. Entry into harbours had to be timed carefully as low tides make for shallow entrances.

Marine life along their route in the St. Lawrence, Gulf of St. Lawrence & the Atlantic included orca, pilot whales, belugas, porpoises, huge grey seals, and multitudes of birds. They decided not to fish. There will be an automatic slide show in advance of the presentation, so arrive early !

The kitchen opens at 5.00 pm, and the presentation will start at 7:30 p.m. This week the galley has a seafood special to accompany this talk, as well as a special for St Patty’s! Check the Galley menu for specials.  Members of all local sailing clubs obtain a discount on food purchases by showing a valid club membership card. Attendees are asked to make a donation to support the NSC Legacy fund.

Upcoming talks: next Wednesday (March 22) Peter Falus speaks about Lord Nelson’s fleet. A new talk has been added on April 19, when Fraser Robidoux and his crew will share their system for crew duties and crew training. For the complete Winter Speakers Program, see the Speakers Series Calendar.


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