The 2016 Sailing Instructions & Race Calendar are available as a pdf, or for viewing within There are no major changes, though there are wording changes to Part B (Women’s Racing), and minor changes to Part D (Dinghies).

Notices to Competitors / Sailing Instruction Amendments:

  • Amendment #1, 2016-05-15: Effective for the first race of the Womens Series (2016-05-16), Part B, Section 1.2 and 1.3, are amended as follows:
    • 1.2 Fleet 1 – Non-Coached: No more than one man may be on board. When racing the man shall not give any advice or assistance, physical or verbal, to the crew or skipper. Infringement of this Sailing Instruction will be subject to a scoring penalty in accordance with RRS 44.3.
    • 1.3 Fleet 2 – Coached: No more than one man may be on board. When racing, the man shall be able to give advice or assistance (coaching), verbal only, to the crew or skipper of their boat only without penalty. Infringement of this Sailing Instruction will be subject to a scoring penalty in accordance with RRS 44.3.
  • Amendment #2, 2016-05-16: Effective for the first race of the JAM Spring Series (2016-05-19), Part E, Section 1.1, is amended such that the JAM fleet splits are as follows: JAM A: 0-223; JAM B: 224-244; JAM C: 245+.
  • Amendment #3, 2016-09-15: Effective for the first race of the PHRF Spring Series (2016-05-17), Part C, Section 1.1, text “Includes all Kirby 25s and J24s regardless of their handicap” is changed to “Includes all Kirby 25s, J24s and Solings, regardless of their handicap“. This change was approved by the BYC Sailing Committee prior to the start of the season, but due to a break-down in communication, this amendment was not posted here until now.

Main changes made to the SIs for 2016:

  • Wording changes to Monday night women’s racing – see Part B.
  • Scoring system and other minor changes to Wednesday night dinghy racing – see Part D.
  • The usual shuffling of the calendar.

In addition to reading the Sailing Instructions, every racer should obtain and read the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Racing Rules of Sailing for the current year, and the Sail Canada Prescriptions. These “Rule Books” are available for purchase at the club office.

If you have changes you would like to propose for next year, feel free to discuss these with, or e-mail them to, Hugh Morrin and/or Ross Ernst.

Page updated: 2017-02-03.

Update log
03 Feb: HM: Page content copied from
10 Mar: HM: Cleaned up intro.