2016 was a very good year for NSC and I am honoured to continue working as your Commodore for 2017.

My wife Karen and I are just back from our annual pilgrimage with friends to the Toronto Boat Show and now my head is full of upgrades, repairs and the reality that our boating season isn’t that far off.  In fact, the “Sailing Winter Equinox” is only 8 days away: January 31 is the halfway point between haulout 2016 and launch 2017.  Until then, there are a few items from the Board table to share …..

The 2016 AGM

Your Club’s financial performance in 2016 was very strong and by implementing diligent expense control, we were able to post a surplus in 2016 and meet our objective to help build NSC’s financial reserves.  However, finances are only one indicator of our success in 2016.  More people are boating; participation in all of our on-water events was “up” from 2015 – more racers, more boats, more cruisers.  The harbour was full and most of the Yard was as well.   The sailing school was packed. Many of you found new ways to enjoy your club – some great new social events were introduced, volunteerism improved, new boats were launched, new racers were at every start, and our outreach events were very well received by Members and public alike.

As this is the start of my second year as Commodore,  I’m anxious to maintain NSC’s solid track record and still keep a weather-eye on the future – can’t win a race just by looking at the instruments!   I don’t want to focus solely on the Club’s “numbers” and miss a few favourable shifts.  I’ve heard from several of you about “the value of membership” and I want to hear more.  What experience do you want from NSC in the coming years?  Is anything missing that would enhance your membership?  Don’t be shy letting me know, I’m at NSC at least twice a week and am constantly checking my NSC email box.

Canada Summer Games: 2021

Perhaps you have seen the reports that Ottawa is one of the Ontario cities chasing a bid to host the Canada Summer Games in 2021. The games are an important event for Canadian athletes, a key step in their development as world-class competitors.    I’m delighted that NSC is part of the City of Ottawa’s proposal, having stepped up for two venues: Sailing and open-water swimming.  Ottawa has moved to the next round of judging and a decision is due in March – best of luck to the Ottawa bid team and our own Peter Bradley who is leading our contribution.

Around the Club

Once again, I am in awe of the sheer volume of work being tackled by our volunteers and committees this early in the year…..

  • The ever-popular “Winter Speaker Series” returns in 2017!  First evening is February 1
  • We are well underway planning our harbour and yard for 2017 and it’s looking good.   Invoices will be in the mail by the end of the month and your mooring fees are due by the beginning of March along with your annual “Proof of Insurance”.   Note that if you paid your membership fees late this year, you may be tying up in a new location.
  • Fleet is preparing the 2017 Sailing Program and has set the cornerstone for our 2017 calendar of sailing and social events.  Many thanks to Hugh Morrin for pulling together the Club Calendar.
  • The Social Committee is looking back on a very successful set of events in 2016 and planning a repeat performance in 2017.  Expect some tweaks, some new ideas, maybe even some surprises, like the first-ever “NSC Paint Nite” for members and your guests – these events have been held around Ottawa and can be a ton of fun.
  • Based on last year’s feedback, we’re planning to repeat the format for our Sail Past celebration that combined some member and volunteer appreciation, the burgee ceremony, Sail Past itself and another fun evening at your Club.
  • Lastly, NSC is moving ahead with the implementation of a new, integrated system to improve how we manage the Club.   We’re still in early planning stages and aiming for a “go-live” date in Spring, once the billing cycle for moorings is complete.

New Board Members

As 2016 came to a close, Doug Klymyshyn and Paula McCooey stepped down from the Board.  Many thanks to Doug for his diligent secretarial duties that spanned two Commodores and also to Paula for helming a busy and very successful Public Relations agenda that included the Winter Speaker Series, Easter Seals and Bring on the Bay, Get Out on The Water, and more.  Thank you both.

John Blackwood has ‘re-joined’ the Board as Club Secretary and Callum Smith is bringing a fresh perspective to the PR agenda for 2017.  A warm welcome to them both.

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