As I start to write this update, “Turkey Trotters” are gliding around Lac Deschenes in near perfect conditions for October. It’s October, time to focus on TDE: “The Dreaded Event” that comes every autumn to sailors in Ontario. But, before that, some updates from your Board…

NSC Legacy Fund grant awarded to Jacob Livingstone

Delighted to report that NSC has awarded Jacob Livingstone a grant from the Legacy Fund. The fund is aimed at members who pursue training and competitive opportunities in sailing. Jacob’s a great example: he is a competitive racer who has represented NSC all summer, traveling to Four Sisters, Steerers, CORK Youth and Fruitbowl regattas with his crew – Justin Przeworsk. Jacob represented us with distinction, finishing 7th overall on the Ontario Sailing Association’s Grand Prix series.

We’re proud to support him, congratulations Jacob!

NSC Sailing Awards Night Celebration: 19 November, 18h30

While October fall sailing is still on, the annual club sailing dinner and awards night will soon be here. Celebrate the fantastic sailing and racing season that was with friends, crew and fellow members in one classy affair! The rich legacy of donated NSC trophies for various special categories, fun events, and club racing series winners are presented.   Don’t forget to submit your “Commodores Cup” (Online form is here) nomination before October 28th.  More details soon …

Your bill is in the mail

By now, your annual membership invoice should have arrived courtesy of Canada Post.  This time next year, we’re hopping that the invoice process for membership fees – and mooring fees as well – will be taking advantage of new back-office software that will help NSC protect your data, further reduce our operational costs and open the door to integrate more of NSC’s clubhouse technology. More to come on this topic at the AGM.

Zicke Zacke Zicke Zacke Hoi Hoi Hoi! Oktoberfest arrives at NSC

Your intrepid Social Committee has planned a week-long Oktoberfest celebration – October 17-21 – culminating on the 21rst with a twenty-member Oom-Pah-Pah band… That’s right TWENTY, 2-zero, 20.  Holy live entertainment!

NSC’s stance on the environment gets a 2016 jump-start

While crunching through the 2017 budget process, Michael Hoffman devised a means to address a long-requested capacity for handling hazardous materials at NSC such as spent oil, diesel, gasoline and antifreeze. Plans are underway to nail-down the necessary certifications, details will follow.

The NSC Annual General Meeting: December 1, 2016, 19h00.

Your Board is looking forward to a quick review of 2016 and sharing the results of the “5-Point” strategy that we shared this past Spring.  Looking ahead, the AGM is your best opportunity to understand what’s recommended for 2017 and exchange ideas with NSC’s Directors. Invitations will be sent soon with our proposed agenda.

2017 Board positions are available

Also at the AGM, some of your Directors are approaching the end of their 3-year term, time to start thinking about your 2017 Board.  At this time, all positions are available to any member of our club who is up for the challenge. The positions of Public Relations, Secretary and Treasurer will become vacant next year.

Check out this post from Scott Hayley for more details.

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