Tuesday August 2 was the midpoint of our Boating Season, halfway between Launch and Haulout. Our “Summer Equinox”. Our Club is vibrant: social events, fundraisers, regattas, racing and members simply enjoying themselves and their boats. Your Board is beginning the process of looking ahead to 2017 with budget and strategic plans. For now, a few updates:

A New Director

We are very happy to (re)introduce Valerie Cherrey as NSC Treasurer. Valerie is an “NSC Board Alumnus” and had served as our Treasurer from November 2012-2015. Her experience and ability to ‘hit the ground running’ are most welcome.

We owe Mary MacLean-Bradley a debt of thanks for her diligent work as our Treasurer since last November. Mary explored the darkest reaches of our financial systems and made many positive changes and contributions. Thank you Mary.

Music for Your Ears

Music on the Deck has been a highlight at NSC for several years and is back. You may have noticed a shift in the Music schedule from Friday to Saturday evenings and this has proven very successful for us:  so far, the change has reduced congestion in the Galley on Friday nights and increased use of the Club on Saturdays. Hope you’re enjoying the program, let us know.

The “Hip”

Your intrepid Social Committee is planning an NSC event around the Tragically Hip’s final concert begin broadcast from Kingston on August 20.  Details will arrive in all the usual ways, sure to be a fun-filled evening.

On the social page, keep in mind that the first annual NSC Pig Roast will line-up with the same weekend as the FANFARE regatta: September 10.

Easter Seals

Easter Seals remains NSC’s premier charity and the form of our support has changed with the times.

This year, under the careful guidance of Richard Pessah and his team, the Bring on Bay Swim saw 542 swimmers make the 3K dash across Lac Deschenes raising almost $60,000.00.  To put this in perspective, the swim is Canada’s 2nd largest and this year set a new fundraising record.

Additionally, volunteer skippers hosted Easter Seals families on Lac Deschenes for a leisurely sail and an epic waterfight around the BlackJack. In the words of one family:

“We had one of the happiest days in our family’s short life together. Your skippers were absolutely generous, kind, funny and fun with us. You paired us perfectly! It was such fun to see how happy and engaged our boys were. It is rare that we can do such an excursion together.  All the skippers give so generously of their time, their beautiful boats and most importantly of themselves. They should know how happy they make some special families feel and the difference a day like that is to our children!  Thank you so much for this day. We look forward to joining you again next year.”

Thank you, we look forward to next year as well.

Numbers and Headings

Top priority: Sailing numbers are up across the board. Learn-to-Sail programs are 97% subscribed; Race participation is up; the NOD was very successful; and, our annual “Get-Out-On-The-Water” event saw 120 prospective members on the water, some for the first time ever.

Financially, NSC is slightly ahead of plan and we are closing the gap on revenues lost during the window renovation.


In our recent TellTale and web-postings, Ross Laver described our “Pokemon GO” experience perfectly.  A globally-available smartphone app triggering unexpected behaviour that flooded our parking lots.  Fortunately, a good relationship with the city and some very quick legwork by our staff gave us a backup plan: be sure to have your parking permits displayed and use the yard if there are no alternatives. If you have been ticketed recently, please be in touch with the NSC office.

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