Volunteer at the 10th Anniversary Bushtukah Bring on the Bay Swim in support of Easter Seals Ontario, an organization that helps kids with disabilities to succeed. On Saturday, July 16th, be a part of the 3 km open-water swim, the largest in Eastern Canada, without even getting wet!

We will start with a group of elite swimmers @ 8am, followed by a continuous start with the rest till about 8:20 am. We anticipate over 700 swimmers up from just under 600 last year churning the water as they leave the west dinghy dock at NSC.

Volunteer at the 10th Anniversary Bushtukah Bring on the Bay Swim in support of Easter Seals Ontario, an organization that helps kids with disabilities to succeed. Be a part of the 3km open-water swim, the largest in Eastern Canada, without even getting wet! On Saturday, July 16th, we will start with a group of elite swimmers @ 8 am, followed by a continuous start with the rest until about 8:20 am. We anticipate over 700 swimmers up from just under 600 last year churning the water as they leave the west dinghy dock at NSC.
Landside volunteers – Contact Rebecca Leikin (613) 226-3051 ext 227 or  rleikin@easterseals.org

Join us on Friday, July 15th from 5:00 – 8:30 pm, and / or Saturday, July 16th from 6:30 – 11:00 am. Whatever your availability may be, we can find a spot for you!!
Positions include Swimmer Check in & Swim Bag Distribution, Chip Timer Distribution and Collection, Swimmer Breakfast Setup & Logistics, Parking Attendants, Medal Hand Out, and many many more! (A great opportunity for High School students to get those hours or a chance to spend some family time together all while supporting an exciting event and a great cause!)

Waterside volunteers – contact Parke Davis  parke.davis.pd@gmail.com

Bring your boat and anchor along the route to act as route markers as well as a safety platform. Boats that anchor will be given specific geographical coordinates and will have to leave the harbour by 7:15 am & be on station by 7:45 am. Or if Friday is a nice night, you may choose to anchor overnight at your spot on the route. The Office will have mileage signs for each boat for you to display so the swimmers can see how far they have gone. There will be crash boats out along the route to help you find your anchoring spot and get you aligned with the course Saturday morning. We are looking to fill the remaining 6 empty positions which are specified every 100m from NSC to BYC.

Join the Safety Flotilla on your kayak, canoe, SUP.
We hope to have upwards of 40+ kayaks, SUPs & canoes. The more safety boats, the safer it is.
If you want to kayak or join the boats anchored along the swim line, please contact Parke Davis by June 24.

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