At the AGM I indicated that I would try and find ways to foster more communication between members and the Board of Directors so we could hear concerns and suggestions. The Membership Mixer on April 28 (formerly known as the Spring Information Meeting) presents just such an opportunity to ask questions and voice an opinion.

To aid in this process for those not able to make the meeting or who are not comfortable in a large crowds, the Board is opening the electronic “floor” to you. Send me ( questions for the Board of Directors that you would like to see answered. Your question will be read at the meeting and the appropriate Director will answer it. A true “vox populi” opportunity.

There are some ground rules:

  1. The question must concise and pertain to the operations of the NSC.
  2. You must be a member.
  3. The question will be attributed – your name will be read into the record.
  4. The question must be received by the end of the business day Tuesday, April 26.

This is a great opportunity to help in the management of your Club.

I’m looking forward to your questions.

John Connolly

Director Membership, NSC

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