NSC will once again be hosting the popular North U Boatspeed and Sail Trim seminar on Saturday, April 16th, 0830-1630, in the Harbourview Hall. Getting tired of winter? Need something to think about while the snow melts? How about sailing and really making your boat go!

Speed, Speed, Speed … a tactician’s and helmsman’s best friend! Get more out of your sailing in 2016!  See the NSC North U Seminar Flyer.

The seminar will be taught by Geoff Moore, J/24 Champion and veteran coach. Every participant receives the North U Trim CD for home study and review. It’s the same CD used to teach the course.  Full seminar description and outline.

Cost of registration is $129+HST for Skippers (non-members), $99+HST for additional crew members, or $50+HST for student/juniors.  NSC members can register at the “crew” rate of $99+HST. $10+HST for Lunch.

Register online at www.NorthU.com, or call Fran Wainer at 800-347-2457. Space is limited. If for any reason you have to cancel, call or e-mail Fran and she will arrange a full refund.

Course check-in is at 0830, and the seminar will run 0900-1630. Lunch will be provided by The Galley and should be ordered and paid for in advance with your registration.

NSC contact:  Jacques Adam is the local NSC host and coordinator for this seminar.

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