New year, new plans, new board.  This past week was a “New Year’s Eve” of sorts for me: the Toronto Boat Show always marks the start of my “new year” of boating, and is a chance to look ahead and make “marine plans” for 2016.Unofficially, I’ve been told that attendance was up this year at the Show and I hope this starts a terrific boating season.

Several Board Members are crunching-away on a new format for the “Telltale”.  Until then, you have me and longwinded posts like these :).

Upcoming Dates and Calendar

My own thoughts are starting to focus on our boats’ “todo” lists and, as I mentioned at the AGM, despite frigid conditions, boat-owners should start making plans now for Spring Launch.  Where you are stored in NSC Yard will determine when you should be ready to launch, see a more elaborate explanation why hereLaunch is planned for May 7 which means that some of you will need to be ready to go around April 23rd.

We are just about ready to publish the 2016 NSC Calendar with some new and some different events being planned, a few items still being settled.  Amongst them, very happy to say that NSC is once again backing the Ontario Sailing Association’s “Get Out On the Water” program for 2016.  We had a very good experience last year and will be looking for volunteers to help at this year’s event.

Also on our calendar, happy to report that Jim Kelly has agreed to help coordinate the popular Speaker Series, schedule and topics will be shared by the end of January – please be in touch with Jim or Paula McCooey if you have suggestions or ideas.

NSC in the Sailing Community

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the OSA’s Annual General Meeting in Toronto (minutes and awards will be available here when ready).  NSC is an important member of OSA and we need to make that fact a little more widely understood in – more to come.

On a related note, another great year for NSC racers at the 2015 Interclub awards night held at BYC with 76 awards or keepers coming to NSC sailors.  Well done us!

NSC’s Course for 2016

Your Board is making progress on NSC’s strategy for a second manager; details will be posted on the web shortly, including the official call for applications. We encourage Members to help spread the word for appropriate candidates.

If you know a young sailor who is interested in a fantastic summer job and qualified as a sailing instructor, we are looking for great candidates.  Details are posted here on the NSC website.

Most recent NSC Board Meeting was held on January 7th and next is planned for February 18th (minutes posted when they’re approved).  Keep in mind that any Member is welcome to observe, agenda and time permitting.  If you are interested, please email me.


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