Our NSC Halloween Party is this Saturday, October 31st! With LIVE MUSIC featuring Carnival Hangover, PRIZES for best costumes and tasty SNACKS for everyone, it’s going to be FANG-TASTIC!  Doors Open at 7:30.  Tickets are available now at the bar or the office…

Have you seen our Halloween Party Promo Video? watch it now at Video 

Doors will open at 7:30, so you’ll have plenty of time to give candy to your neighbourhood trick or treaters before the party really gets started!

BONUS – bring your extra candy to the party…and avoid the temptation of having it at home. Dessert Donations: Speaking of sweets, please consider donating a dessert for all to enjoy! There’s no such thing as too much sugar at Halloween!  More great news! Tickets purchased in advance are $10 for members and non-members alike. At the door, they will be $15 per person. Please try to purchase in advance so we can plan snacks accordingly. Tickets are available now at the bar or in the office…

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