Last week the Eastern Yachting Circuit (EYC) Annual Regatta was held out of the Bay of Quinte Yacht Club in Belleville.

60 boats from 13 different clubs competed in both a long distance race, and course racing, over three days. The crew on NSC’s C&C 27 “Blue Zulu” managed to win both their PHRF Division, and first place overall for the Regatta.

EYC is an organization of 12 yacht clubs, half in the U.S. and half in Canada, at the eastern end of Lake Ontario, that dates to the early 20th century. For almost a hundred years, they have hosted an annual regatta that rotates among member clubs, alternating between Canada and the U.S.

The vast majority of boats sail in, with strong American participation. Hence, when Blue Zulu showed up on Wednesday afternoon, she raised a few eyebrows. “Did you come down the Rideau Canal? That must have taken a long time!” In fact, though larger than most “trailered” boats, Blue Zulu traveled down the 416 to the 401, launched at Bay Marine in Trenton, and then masted at BQYC.

Racing consisted of a long distance (about 30 Nm) race on Thursday between Trenton and Deseronto, in somewhat light and fluky conditions. Blue Zulu won that, but the race was later tossed out, due to several inappropriate actions by the Race Committee. The first course race on Friday was thus re-designated the Long Distance race, and was re-sailed in even lighter and more fluky conditions. Then the wind filled in for 18-20 knots out of the southwest. Saturday saw two more races in 8-15 knots of wind.

Skipper Hugh Morrin said, “This was our first time away from Lac Deschenes with Blue Zulu, but we all had a great time, and we’re looking forward to hitting the road again in the future. It was a bit of a logistical challenge, but well worth the effort.”

Blue Zulu Crew

Blue Zulu crew (L-R): Ron Vandergeest, Mike Laughlin, Fiona Smith-Hale, Hugh Morrin, Christina Mundi, Michael Hoffman, Gavin Shanks, (Missing: Robin Morrin)*

* Blue Zulu, like most other C&C 27s, races with a crew of 6, but some juggling and substituting was required to match everyone’s schedule, as not everyone could sail all three days.

See select photos from Geoff Webster’s Photoone Web Site:

Long Distance Race:

Race 2:

Race 3:

Race 4:


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